VTAC Selections CLOSE

This term Year 12 students began the important process of preparing their Victorian Tertiary Admission Centre (VTAC) selections for next year.  Information, guidance and assistance has been available at iSupport sessions over the term.  Students have been asked to register, create their VTAC accounts AND apply for courses by the end of this term, 18 […]

Year 10 Immunisation Session

Frankston Council Immunisation Team are conducting another Immunisation session for your Year 10 student to receive their Meningococcal vaccine on Tuesday 22 Septembe. Please see COMPASS for information

PST Conferences Day

PST Conferences will commence at 10.00am and conclude at 7.00pm. There are no formal classes on this day for Years 7-12 students. Students are expected to attend conferences with their parents/guardians, with the exception of students studying a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject who will be sitting the GAT on this day.

Back to Onsite Learning for VCE and Year 7 students

From today Year 11 and 12 students will now attend on-site schooling full time, and Year 10 students enrolled in a VCE subject will attend on-site for these classes. All Year 7 students commence today also.


Welcome to the Frankston High School 2020 DesignWorks Online Gallery of student work! All works in this exhibition were created and manufactured by Frankston High School students throughout the 2020 academic year within the following subject areas: Visual Communication and Design, Media studies and Design Technology. Enjoy!! https://sway.office.com/GATpAqxXpxrcuhXy?ref=Link

Product Enquiry